My first day of training for an Executive Team Leader position at Target felt something like the first day of grade school. I made a check list. Went over said check list about ten times. Laid out my clothes. Got in bed early. Tossed and turned (not sure if I was nervous or excited. Both. I was both.) Woke up way early. Ate breakfast-- the most important meal of the day. Headed out the door with a lunch packed by a very loving husband. (See Instagram photo, follow @missc_woods)

11 hours later, I am quite exhausted. I am also incredibly grateful for the support and encouragement of my husband, family, and friends. Your texts, Tweets, and Facebook messages have brought me lots of smiles today. 

Now, it's time to pack a bag full of Red and Khaki because tomorrow I will head from Fayetteville, AR to Little Rock to start my hands on training. 

Photograph/Quote via Amanda Raborn  @ It's an Easy Life's Word Pinboard. Friend. Mentor. Inspiration. Check out her blog. 

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