Making a home on a newly wed budget is not easy. Making a home when your rarely at home also has it's challenges. This weekend was my last weekend off before pounding through the last two weeks of training in Little Rock, so Chris and I camped out in our little space and worked on a few projects. The paint dried just in time to pull our entry way together before I leave...

Don't let this fool you, making a house apartment your own is a SLOW process (and quite stressful if you share my Type A personality), but can we agree it's worth the wait? There's still more to be done, which I will share with you along the way along with my budget tips and DIY... for now, how about some more photos?

How fun will this be to walk into when I come home to stay? Kick of my shoes to be greeted by a snuggle Persian rug and a handsome husband.  I'm already full of miss, but this stubborn white paint still on my hands will be a reminder of this sweet, reno-weekend.   

If you follow me on instagram you know I was quite the ballerina today (no formal training).
If you were in my head you would know this is the song playing over and over that put a little extra pep in my step.

This song [At Home by Crystal Fighters] has been the anthem to my Friday.  And every Friday. 
It means a long week of training is over and I am on my way home for a weekend with the husband. 
It is quite complementary to the scenic drive across Arkansas. I just turn it up and sing my little heart out. LOUDLY. 

Tonight we will have a date night in which means take out sushi from downstairs and apartment DIY projects... Our little home is coming together... Slowly, but surely! 

Happy Birthday, Cathryn. 

When Cathryn was born I could not have loved her any more. What's not to love??-- have you seen those big blue eyes?

When Cathryn was born I could not have been more proud (and I had the t-shirts to prove it). I called her "my baby". Sometimes I would even let people hold her. 

Today, "my baby" turns twenty. TWENTY!! I love her more everyday, and I have never been more proud. 

I miss you sis!

Thank you, Steve. For silly movies, great banjo diddlys, and inspirational quotes. 

Training week 3 is now underway, and what better way to ring it in than with an iPhone alarm clock?.... At 2:55. AM. Nope, no mistake here. 2:55 with thirty brief minutes to get ready and hit the road for a forty minute drive. I typically consider myself a morning person.... But 4am?

 I'm re-evaluating. 

I think I will insert a clause:  I am a morning person*
*if there is a sunrise and/or breakfast involved

I rewarded a hard days work (and averted a nap) by browsing a few of the Conway, AR antique shops and flea markets only to stumble across a real gem, where I met the newest addition to our loft... (more on this later)

But first, the Target tour of Arkansas continues. Little Rock. Conway. Fort Smith. Fayetteville. Little rock. In the next four days.  (insert: weekend with my husband) Then, three more weeks taining in Little Rock.

Yay! It's Friday! And there is nothing I'd rather do (besides go to dinner with my husband who is visiting me in Little Rock) than show some love to my readers with a Friday-treat giveaway! 

 And the winner is.......

Stephanie at The Phanie Pack

She will be getting this fun red surprise in the mail from me:
Papyrus card
Essie "Russian Red" polish
And a Target gift card 

... And it is way past due for me to get out of this Red and Khaki and go out with Mr. Woods. Let's do this again soon! 

Every time you read this blog you get a look inside this crazy mind of mine.  

If you looked in one of these journals, you'd see... all of my crazy thoughts in list form. 

1. Planner 
although I'm aware I can do nearly everything ever from my iphone, I don't make it far without my trusty hardback moleskine planner. This bad boy is packed full of travel dates and daily to-do lists.

2. Moleskine large ruled notebook 2 pack
One of these kelly green beauts has been filled with wedding details: monthly and daily lists, countdowns, vendor info and IDEAS. It's already been fun to look back on since the entire process can become much of a blur. 
It's twin journal fit's ever so nicely into the back of my khaki's. It is filling up fast with Target business college notes, how to's, and advice from my team members. 

3. "She's a dreamer, a doer, a thinker. She sees possibility everywhere"
Snagged this sweet notebook during the target back to school madness. The inspiring quote on the front cover makes it a perfect pad for me to jot down blogging outlines, ideas, and resources. 

4. For the night stand
Some times it's hard for me to turn my mind off at night (and sleep is VERY important to me). Keeping a journal bedside allows me to leave my thoughts. sleep soundly. and pick up the next day where I left off. It hold true that some of the weirdest (and grandest) ideas come in the middle of the night... it's always good to have a pen and paper ready. 

5. Line-a-day gratitude journal
There is certainly something good in every day. Someone may have lied to you and said being married is easy and always beautiful, moving to a new place isn't difficult, and grown up jobs are a walk in the park. It all comes with challenges (most of which are very comical). Chris and I enjoy reflecting back on the day and recording a positive memory for the day, so we can look back on our first year of marriage and remember the happy times we've shared.

6. Love Letters
While Chris and I were apart during his back country trip to the Yukon, Canada we kept Journals for each other, and exchanged them upon his return. They are so happy to be in the same household on the same book shelve. These words from my husband are truly my most treasured possession. (I just love seeing the inside of his mind!)

It turns out a good attitude and the perfect shade of red lipstick will go a long way. Not only does it make for a happy Monday, but it makes a red and khaki uniform fancier (if the new name tag didn't do the trick). Today I wore MAC Brick-O-la, but I want to know your favorite shades. Leave a comment and you could receive a little red surprise from me! (psssst.. You'll like it!)

Become a follower of this blog
Leave a comment with the brand/shade of your favorite red lipstick(s)
Include an email address at which I can reach you if you win
* winner will be chosen with a random number generator on Friday

Today's inspiration came from this lovely photo and a pep talk from Honey (my grandma/cheerleader).

*photo via pinterest 


Oh, what a weekend. 

As I told you yesterday, my husband had a surprise up his sleeve... and there we were. Pedastal Rock in Ozark National Forrest for the greatest [meteor] show on earth! 

Beautiful, right?

I have been known to be a bit high maintenance.  In fact, it's hard for me to imagine how Chris even puts up with me... but he does. Much of the time he even indulges me. For example, while packing for this trip.. He graciously made room for wine, chocolate, my electric toothbrush, and two cardigans-- which I almost didn't get away with, but I simply explained it might be chilly or chilly-er and it just never hurts to be prepared. (And when it was in the sixties-- yes, SIXTIES this morning, guess who wasn't cold!) 

We are learning more and more that marriage is often about compromise.

I am grateful to have someone to wisp me off me feet and into the woods. I often believe it is his passion that drives our relationship (or at least gets us in to some pretty entertaining/fun situations). I'll go ahead and speak for Chris, and say, he is also grateful for me yelling for us to pull over at several antique shops on the way to camp. (and also for pointing out good places to U turn since we had already passed them.)

Last night we watched stars fall until we couldn't hold our eyes open, fell asleep to night noises (instead of our "river" noisemaker to drown out the bar next door), and woke up to rain drops (I brought two cardigans, zero rain jackets). Packed up just in time to scurry down the mountain and grab some donuts for breakfast. 

We will be heading to work this week feeling quite refreshed. Time spent outside is good for the soul. 

I am blogging on the go... Where to? Wish I knew. All I know is there is a giant pack in the back of the car, a fabulous meteor shower tonight, and a very excited husband.

We'll catch up soon after a quiet weekend and some much needed R&R.